I was a royal Queen whose rule was in question. I, and my entourage, were fleeing to my mother's castle. We were draped in light pink silk organza, it even was draped over our boats as we flew across the waters, passing by a group of the King's women, including his damn mistress. I reached my mother's estate, the whole castle was buzzing with anxiety. What would happen to me? Would I be dethroned, beheaded, exiled? I went to my room, a labyrinth of crooks and crannies, stairs and lofts, doors and windows. I had two special visitors, my protectors. They were ware wolves. I quickly ushered them into my room secretly, for they were strange looking men. I told them of my situation, and possible ways to escape. I couldn't let the rest of the staff see them, it was too risky. And then someone was coming! Quick, I said, hide in the upstairs closet. Before the door opened, I quickly asked if I too would turn that night. They said yes, for I had been bitten many years ago. But having royal blood, or possibly because I was female, I would keep my mind and be in control. I man came in, and I tried to sound calm, discussing how heirs could only be men, and that in any other country I would not find myself it such a pathetic position. I spilled something, and was sweeping it up, trying to cover up the noise of the men above.
I also had a dream that I was writing an email to a college friend who, in the dream, I also went to high school with. I was discussing how crazy it had all been, the crazy dance parties in the bathroom, the cheesy Broadway versions of Disney live action films, how we would graffiti the lockers, etc. Hugh Laurie came out, dressed to the nines, and I remember that he was my fifth grade math teacher, and how much I had respected him. And then I started to re watch films of our youth, and remarked how amazing it is how watching something can spark and shed light on a whole pile of memories previously lost.
Then, I, with my bad leg, was going to a elementary school on the fourth floor of a building. The elevator was the floor, and it raised you up through the courtyard. We got there, and I was lucky enough to sit next to someone I knew. Then a boy sitting three people down shared my last name. Were we related? We moved in to the next room, laying down and listening to Broadway hits. Then I was called, and walked through a door. I found myself playing Polonius in Hamlet. We were in the globe theater, and everyone was in costume. I had the book, desperately trying to keep up with everyone else. I could tell everyone else was a professional actor, and I felt like I was ruining Shakespeare! I remember I left my cell phone on, and even my own brother wasn't convinced by my portrayal!
Then Lisa Simpson found herself in a world of water. Fry and other animated characters decided to attack a sea monster, but it was no monster, just a friendly Mollusk. We floated down to the bottom, and decided to live there. Lisa had invented a shoe with a helicopter blade that was also a pump that could be filled with oxygen. It was a happy life.