There was this CEO murdered and two children were the only witnesses. Their statements both included a man in bandages and the greatest feeling of fear when he passed.
A woman read this story and wrote a conspiracy pulp novel. It was released not soon after the case was moved to "unsolved".
So then, fast forward X amount of years, a Chinese American writes an article on the book and traces down the children who witnessed the murder.
The little boy, now an adult, lives only at intersections of highways and has been conducting his own research/ investigation of the appearances of the bandaged man. Apparently, he has been sighted by people, mostly children, all over the world. Usually connected with an act of terrorism. Sightings go back to just after WWII.
The little girl now is a waitress who still has night terrors.
There have been a string of deaths in the higher circles of government, diplomats, etc. I am doing my own investigation. It seems that I am a journalist. I meet the Chinese American author, who has brought the two now adult witnesses together...Suddenly, we are all being chased by the bandaged man.
But then King Kong starts chasing us too! He's joined by a group of twisted monsters from history and fiction.
But then, the Chinese American and I are at a fair, playing a pinball machine. The monsters are just plastic cut outs in the pinball machine.. We are laughing...It seems like we might be dating. It's summer and there are kids and families eating cotton candy. You can hear screaming because of the rides. A goat with a ribbon gets loose, it's owners are trying to catch it. But then I have this feeling that something is wrong. Really wrong. I can't seem to catch my breathe. And then the bandaged man walks past. And I wake up.
This one is particularly awesome