Monday, November 9, 2009

Last night, a murder and then Obama

So my brother, along with two other guys, wanted to get this experimental surgery. They wanted to be able to get cybernetic parts implanted into their body to enhance their mental and physical powers. I thought that the doctor Something wasn't right about this whole situation. I tried to get my brother to leave, but he was insistent about the surgery. He was going to go third. When the first patient was hooked up to all the necessary equipment and IVs, something horrible started to  happen. I never saw the patient, but all I could see was that the IVs started to either melt or dry up and turn to dust and then the patient just started to scream. Soon, the doctor was out the back down, running. He had taken every one's money and killed a man. I had to make a decision. I decided to follow. I ran after him, but I wasn't the only one who was tracking this murdering scum bag. Rorschach and an Chinese cop were on his tail. All I had was a pen for a weapon, I was so angry at this man, this man who took lives and could have killed my brother, I just wanted to stab him. I was chasing him down fire escapes when Rorschach came from no where to cut off his escape. And then the cop managed to get this syringe away from the doctor, I thought for sure she was going to inject him and kill him, but she just knocked him out. But then it was just me and my brother with this body, and he kept waking up, trying to kill us and escape, and we kept having to knock him out, and finally we were like, maybe we should call the police?

And then I was at an all you can eat buffet with President Obama. All I wanted to do was smell him for some reason. My friend simply wanted to touch him.  There was a huge crowd, and the man simply wanted to get some dinner, but people were treating him like he was Jesus or something. 

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