Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Last Night, somewhere in the Soveit Union
The Soviet Union secret police were in my house. I was a reporter from Georgia ( the country ) and we had to walk to their headquarters over all this snow. I could tell they were suspicious of me. When it seemed like I was in the clear, something dropped out of my backpack, a pair of snow goggles. The leader didn't believe me when I said I didn't realize I had packed them. He kept asking why would I need snow goggles. He and his men ordered me pack to my house. I got their first, realizing they would use any excuse to kill me, I tried to make sure there was nothing out of the usual. But I did have a draw full of money. Then there was a women. It was her money, she had made it from stripping. We knew they could use this against us...make up some story. The men arrived and found the money. I thought about hiding it behind my mirror, but realized hiding something would seem like I was guilty of something. The men didn't believe her about how she had made the money. The leader kept screaming about conspiring against the state. He pulled out his gun and was shouting at her. I thought about escaping, all their attention was on her. But I couldn't. He was about to shoot her and I had to make a move. I tackled him to the floor, all his men were screaming but his second in command seemed to take control. He picked up up and ordered everyone out, including the leader. Apparently we were safe.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Two nights ago, elephants and Mariah Carey
So my friend and I were on some kind of safari. But we were separated from the group. Possibly a lion attack. Anyways, we find this ancient water system, and we decide to take it. We are in what appears to be an aqueduct. When we turn the corner, the pathway is filled with elephants! They are filling their bellies with water. Will they think we are predators? We proceed with caution. As we make our way through the crowd, the elephants get bigger and bigger. Soon we realize that one wrong move will mean our death! And then, we make a wrong move. The elephants start stamping their feet and screaming with rage. We have to run through the stampede. Finally, we crawl out, exhausted, filthy and bleeding. We haven't eaten or drank anything for two days. We stumble through the forest and then, there is a large mansion, overgrown with plants and moss. Inside is a group of potters. Master potters. They are silent. Apparently, they took a vow of silence. We try to explain our situation, but they don't speak English. And then suddenly, the cramped potters studio turns into a mall.
Mariah Carey is there with a group of women. I refuse to do something and she threatens to go to the top and have me killed. I don't really care about Mariah Carey.
Mariah Carey is there with a group of women. I refuse to do something and she threatens to go to the top and have me killed. I don't really care about Mariah Carey.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Two nights ago, a road and a river
I was skate boarding in some European city, perhaps Paris. But the guys I was with left me behind. That's when the road, all the traffic turned into a giant lazy river underground. This was the main source of transportation. I was with my brothers, and I was desperately trying to keep up with them. At one point I pooped a belt and was concerned that I had some terrible health problem, but my brother's consoled me and told me everyone poops a belt sometimes. And then I was in a study, with rich wood. There were a students surrounding a table, with an old man, with a funny beard and a black Edwardian suite on. We were all looking down, and before us was a road. But the road appeared to be not solid, it was changing, changing into a river. And he said, " For those who see a road, they will see a road, for those who see a river, they will see a river" I wanted to jump in, and feel the cold water, I remember feeling, I want this road to be a river.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Last night, the holy grail
Looking at cute over-load, there was a picture of a snake, and then it hit me! Last night, I discovered the holy grail along with other Christian relics and treasures. But they were all filled with dead snakes and lizards. I was speaking to my Native American friend at a swim meet when I was hit with this overwhelming feeling of dread. Horrible horrible dread. I went to check on the treasure to discover that some of snakes were coming to life. I was staring at one and its eyes slowly opened. It was absolutely terrifying. I realized that I had to get rid of it, that some power was awaken, and that it would only lead to destruction. But I had to hide, I couldn't give it to someone else because I feared what they would do with this awesome power. But where to hide it? If I buried in my backyard, years later, developers would fine it. If I went to a construction site and threw it in the cement, years later again, new contractors having demolished the building would find it. Where could I bury this terrible discovery?
Last night, a murder and then Obama
So my brother, along with two other guys, wanted to get this experimental surgery. They wanted to be able to get cybernetic parts implanted into their body to enhance their mental and physical powers. I thought that the doctor Something wasn't right about this whole situation. I tried to get my brother to leave, but he was insistent about the surgery. He was going to go third. When the first patient was hooked up to all the necessary equipment and IVs, something horrible started to happen. I never saw the patient, but all I could see was that the IVs started to either melt or dry up and turn to dust and then the patient just started to scream. Soon, the doctor was out the back down, running. He had taken every one's money and killed a man. I had to make a decision. I decided to follow. I ran after him, but I wasn't the only one who was tracking this murdering scum bag. Rorschach and an Chinese cop were on his tail. All I had was a pen for a weapon, I was so angry at this man, this man who took lives and could have killed my brother, I just wanted to stab him. I was chasing him down fire escapes when Rorschach came from no where to cut off his escape. And then the cop managed to get this syringe away from the doctor, I thought for sure she was going to inject him and kill him, but she just knocked him out. But then it was just me and my brother with this body, and he kept waking up, trying to kill us and escape, and we kept having to knock him out, and finally we were like, maybe we should call the police?
And then I was at an all you can eat buffet with President Obama. All I wanted to do was smell him for some reason. My friend simply wanted to touch him. There was a huge crowd, and the man simply wanted to get some dinner, but people were treating him like he was Jesus or something.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Last night, snippets
Some of the things I remember from last night.
- Having a fever of 118 degrees and thinking, OH GOD!
- Having my high school history teacher over for dinner and not wearing pants.
- driving my car up a huge hill and then having its engine explode!
-watching the guy from Will and Grace be made fun of on TV for speaking Spanish poorly and saying he had a fever of 195, instead of 105.
- Being a beautiful Latina woman who was trying to escape her drug pin abusive boyfriend in order to run off with a spy ( Michael from Burn Notice) and to become a secret witness for the State.
- Being in log cabin that was an assisted living facility and realizing that some of the residents were actually demons, harmless demons, but demons nonetheless.
-Watching an alternative version of Sense and Sensibility staring Kate Winslet.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Last Night, A math class
I was in math class. The classroom was outside. But there was a roof over our heads. The teacher had a stentorian voice and was passionately describing what we were trying to solve. He was waving his arms in the air and demanding that we understand the importance it had to the world. I didn't care one pinch about what he was saying. I was totally out of place and I seemed to be the big slacker in class. But there was dirt on my desk, lost of dusty dirt. So I put some water on it and started to make things. Soon, everyone wanted to create something out of this clay dirt I had made. And the we started to make our own throwing wheels. Pitiful things, but the whole class loved it. And then I noticed, in the corner of the room (that had now morphed into a inside studio) that someone had started long ago to make a body of an animal, but left it's head unfinished. So I threw some dirty clay on this wheel and made a head. It was a mixture of monkey and a lion. I put the head on and then the whole creature came to life. It had beautiful orange fur and started to purr loudly. I though he was too fat and wanted to carve some of his belly away, but it wast too late. He was real, flesh and blood.
Other parts of the dream that I can recall; going to Robert Redford's house on the coast and talking about baseball. I'm not sure if he was wearing pants.
Watching clouds move across the moon only to realize that they were in fact not clouds, but demons.
I was also flying a plane and at some point I got drunk.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Four nights ago, A race and land mines in China
There was an epic race. I was in it. It was a treacherous route. There were points along the way that you could solve puzzles and gain extra time. It started in my house, but my stairway turned into a mountain. My entire house expanded and morphed. It expanded constantly to create new paths for the many riders. You could chose how you went, and I went on horse back.
We were behind. There was a treacherous bridge, but we had to cross it. Saber, my horse, and I, started slowly. But Saber's legs kept falling threw the spaces in the floor boards. I kept having to pull him back up. It was a constantly struggle. Him neighing in pain, me screaming for him to pull himself up, muscles bulging, eyes popping, sweat pouring... Even though my house was changing, there were at times where it would revert back to itself; a double image would appear. We finally got across, sore and out of breathe. The race ended in an attack of a castle, we were the last. We had tried to solve some of the puzzles, but I just couldn't do chemistry! There was something we had to find in order to complete the race. I can't remember if we found it.
The other dream... I was working in a rice field in China when this advancing army started to drop bombs on my fellow workers and I. What we didn't know was that there was also mines planted not far from our fields. We were trapped. Explosions surrounded us. Fire and smoke filled the landscape. But I knew I had to escape. The army was surrounding the field; taking prisoners, shooting others. I climbed into an abandoned temple, but some of the soldiers saw me. I was extremely strong and flexible, so I pulled myself into tight corners in the ceiling to hide. The soldiers looked everywhere, but they soon left. I pulled myself onto the roof, hoping to run, when soldiers in tanks saw me. This was the elite group. They would not quit so easily. All I had to do was turn into a bird and fly away. And I did, just as the city in the distant started to explode.
A western journalist had been there and caught a picture of me jumping of the roof of a temple. I was in newspapers everywhere.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Last Night, The Ocean
I was on the Ocean. On a pitiful floating device. I had to paddle to get anywhere. The water was freezing. Someone had said that there was a shark. And there was. I couldn't see any land. I was absolutely terrified. I remember saying, "This is a dream, this is a dream, this is a dream." And I also remember thinking, "Normally I love the ocean, and now..." And then, there was land! It was a golf coarse. I finally made it. I breathed easy. And then the shark beached itself. It was huge and terrible. It's black eyes staring at nothing. I felt the need to help it. I asked the people to help, but no one wanted to help. I splashed water on its gills. And then people started to see it was dying. Some people gathered around. Only a few helped me push. We got it in. I remember thinking, and this is when the fucking bastard takes off my arm.
And then, and then...there was an emergency. Across the bay. An old woman says a bridge is out. I can see where we need to go. We have to get down the cliff, to the boat, its the only way to get there on time. The woman had kites, so we flew down. I hoped that we would get there on time.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Last Night, a recurring dream
I just flew into Montana. The land was so beautiful. It was like the sky and the land wanted to meet, there was nothing between them, no space, the sky was falling.
There was this huge tower, and I wanted to get to the top. I climbed and climbed. And then I peered over and I was three thousand feet high, looking down. But I was even higher than that, I could see Nebraska, I could see Colorado. Was I in space?
I needed to get down. The view changed. Suddenly, I was looking down at a beach from what felt like a top story of a sky scrapper. But what kind of structure was I on? It was not well built, there was scaffolding and haphazard ladders. Suddenly, I was a boy, I was there on that structure with my best friend, we needed to get down. It was a perilous journey. We could never tell what would support our weight, what would snap if we shifter our weight. As we climbed further and further down, we got younger and younger. When we finally reached the ground with the help of my friend's older brother, we were toddlers. We were only interested in wrestling.
But climbing down dangerous ladders, I felt, while I was in the dream, that I had been there many times before.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Two Nights ago, Star Trek...again
I was on a new enterprise. State of the art in every way, the ship's computing system was close to being an A.I. Out on our voyage, we were attacked by...I can't rightly say but they were out to kill all the inhabitants of the ship and steal the technology aboard. The commanding crew was kept in a separate room. We were being lead away into a holding cell when I had this idea. The deck that controlled the computing system was classified; no one on board except those in command had seen it. But I felt like I had been there before, like in a dream. It was like the ship was urging me to find it. So I broke away and hid, buying time until I could make a run to that locked off deck. The commanding crew (Picard, Data, the lot) were being met with violence. Their captors were leading them to the computing system dock. It seems that their plans were even more horrendous than just killing everyone on board. They had eyes to rule the universe.
The ship it turns out was carrying something very special and very powerful. Picard was forced to open the doors to the deck, and I, with stealth, followed them. It was a huge empty egg shelled room, dark grey and silver. In the middle it looked like there was a pool. But when you peered in, you realized it was the interface to the computing system. I made a dash for it and jumped in, surprising everyone with my presence. It was like being underwater, but I could breathe, and there was information stored in units that were floating in space, I could touch them and they would spin, like silver disks. I knew instinctively how to operate this system. And the system, for the time being, wasn't allowing anyone else in. I realized that the enemy wasn't far behind. I had to find a way to dislodge their ship form ours and destroy it. But the feeling of weightlessness, of calm, even though danger was above, this sense of belonging was almost overwhelming.
I moved easily through the blackness and went deeper and deeper, being drawn to something in the darkness. But then there was a red light, and it grew brighter and brighter. It looked like I was close to a whole galaxy, red and orange, glowing like a fire. I could see stars and solar systems. And near this sight, there was a perfect black sphere. I knew it to be concentrated dark matter, something incredibly powerful and mysterious. It was like the computer allowed me to glimpse it. Because just then, the other had broken through the surface, there was a fight above. Data, who had been injured earlier but repaired haphazardly by Jordy, was desperately trying to prevent the enemy entering the pool. I had to act fast, and I did. I was able to dislodge their ship and destroy it. I was able to unlock all the holding cells and neutralize the enemy's weapons. We defeated them.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Last Night, a supergroup and stuff animal dogs
I was in a supergroup with Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey and someone else. I didn't sing, I just danced. But we had this amazing performance somehow on the landing of my upstairs floor in my parent's house. There was some tension between the girls, but I kept them together. We were about to go on tour, when I had this strange feeling that this had all happened already. I turned them down because I didn't want to miss Christmas that year and also, all I did was dance.
And then I was a brown stuffy animal dog whose pet, a blue stuff animal dog, got carried away by the wind. So I chased him, through clouds and bridges and rooftops.
And then I was a brown stuffy animal dog whose pet, a blue stuff animal dog, got carried away by the wind. So I chased him, through clouds and bridges and rooftops.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Last Night, zombies, futurama, tennis lessons, toy race car track, a police report, time travel
Where to begin...First, I know I had a terrible dream about Zombies. But I can't remember any details.
I also had a dream in the universe of Futurama, the animated show, and I dreamt in animation. Lela had been kidnapped by a planet populated by car crash dummies who wanted to make it a law that all cars had clean air filters. The intergalactic council, apparently, fighting several different wars, decided this was a good decision. One member said, "This law, with its safety applications, is like stopping all wars." And then another member was like, "Wouldn't stopping all wars be actually more important in that we would be actually stopping all wars?" No one gave him a clear answer. Then there was this moment when the dream was interrupted and my brother couldn't believe that Warf (from Star Trek) would give his voice to this show. I said I bet the actor has a great sense of humor.
So Lela was freed. But she turned into a half robot half girl, no longer in animation, saying goodbye to her captors with hugs and kisses. She was boarding the space shuttle to go back home, nothing could damper her spirits.
But then there was this girl, with a small child, and someone was trying to kidnap the small child. It was very violent. I then marched into a huge sporting good department store where Darleen and my mother were sitting at a counter like it was a bar. I accused Darleen of the history of violence, and decided to call the police. I dialed 911. I had to give a detailed police report on what happened, which I did, with a paint brush dipped in dye on cloth. Darlene kept trying to dissuade me, but I was furious at her, that she would cause so much harm.
Then, I'm at my house. There was a man walking his dog. He was at my back door. He wanted some kind of information. I remember feeling anxious, I looked the door to get this information, but then he cut a circle in the glass to break in. I tried to black his entrance, but he was too strong, he was there to kill me. He had had a vision, and there was no stopping the future. But then time reversed itself, and it was earlier that day. I knew what was going to I armed myself. I stepped outside by door and saw him leave with his dog. There was a parade. He came by to sit by me. He had dark hair, and his shirt was covered with tiny spots of blood. He looked terrible. But I was ready. I had an ax. And then he spoke about the nature of time, about how nothing can truly be relived. And then he attacked, I tried to scream, but, no sound came out.
And then I was in my grandfather's basement. My mom explained to me about a historical figure, why his chest kept bleeding. My grandfather kept changing forms. Into himself, and then into a young man, in uniform, with dark grease on his face and hands. I went into the basement. There was a huge detailed miniature car and city model. I decided to play with it, pretending to be police cars chasing a thief. It was so detailed, little people were there, scrambling to get out of the way, there was mist on the road. But in the basement, everything was covered with thick cob webs. So thick that I kept getting stuck. I got so scared. I wanted to turn the lights of to conserve energy but...I was too afraid to be alone in the dark.
ANd then Woody Harrelson was teaching me tennis. I got pretty damn good.
I also had a dream in the universe of Futurama, the animated show, and I dreamt in animation. Lela had been kidnapped by a planet populated by car crash dummies who wanted to make it a law that all cars had clean air filters. The intergalactic council, apparently, fighting several different wars, decided this was a good decision. One member said, "This law, with its safety applications, is like stopping all wars." And then another member was like, "Wouldn't stopping all wars be actually more important in that we would be actually stopping all wars?" No one gave him a clear answer. Then there was this moment when the dream was interrupted and my brother couldn't believe that Warf (from Star Trek) would give his voice to this show. I said I bet the actor has a great sense of humor.
So Lela was freed. But she turned into a half robot half girl, no longer in animation, saying goodbye to her captors with hugs and kisses. She was boarding the space shuttle to go back home, nothing could damper her spirits.
But then there was this girl, with a small child, and someone was trying to kidnap the small child. It was very violent. I then marched into a huge sporting good department store where Darleen and my mother were sitting at a counter like it was a bar. I accused Darleen of the history of violence, and decided to call the police. I dialed 911. I had to give a detailed police report on what happened, which I did, with a paint brush dipped in dye on cloth. Darlene kept trying to dissuade me, but I was furious at her, that she would cause so much harm.
Then, I'm at my house. There was a man walking his dog. He was at my back door. He wanted some kind of information. I remember feeling anxious, I looked the door to get this information, but then he cut a circle in the glass to break in. I tried to black his entrance, but he was too strong, he was there to kill me. He had had a vision, and there was no stopping the future. But then time reversed itself, and it was earlier that day. I knew what was going to I armed myself. I stepped outside by door and saw him leave with his dog. There was a parade. He came by to sit by me. He had dark hair, and his shirt was covered with tiny spots of blood. He looked terrible. But I was ready. I had an ax. And then he spoke about the nature of time, about how nothing can truly be relived. And then he attacked, I tried to scream, but, no sound came out.
And then I was in my grandfather's basement. My mom explained to me about a historical figure, why his chest kept bleeding. My grandfather kept changing forms. Into himself, and then into a young man, in uniform, with dark grease on his face and hands. I went into the basement. There was a huge detailed miniature car and city model. I decided to play with it, pretending to be police cars chasing a thief. It was so detailed, little people were there, scrambling to get out of the way, there was mist on the road. But in the basement, everything was covered with thick cob webs. So thick that I kept getting stuck. I got so scared. I wanted to turn the lights of to conserve energy but...I was too afraid to be alone in the dark.
ANd then Woody Harrelson was teaching me tennis. I got pretty damn good.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Last Night, my dreams keep sticking it to me
So I was in the CIA headquarters, dressed like I am right now, big gross boots, sloppy hair, a plaid shirt that is too big. I'm looking for a woman named Mary Pickford. Clive Owen is there, but when I approach her office and ask about her whereabouts, no one answers me. I finally, after feeling totally out of place, spot on old college buddy of mine, Gretchen, who is now a CIA analyst. I ask her where Mary Pickford is. She is reluctant to help. But I am very convincing. And I remember saying, "Remember when we were just struggling artists, now look at us, your a CIA analyst and I'm a reporter." She searches the databases and finds that Mary Pickford is in...GASP...JAKARTA! This apparently means something terrible, as if I have found the missing piece. I realize I know too much, and I try to walk out of the CIA headquarters as calmly as possible. But Clive Owens knows. I am in my room, packing furiously, when he, and a couple of CIA thugs, come charging in. They surround me and my good friend and hold guns to our heads. And I keep thinking, come on, Clive Owen is a good guy, he is actually here to save me...but just like with the Zombies last night, my dream was like no...he's here to fucking kill you. Luckily my Mexican friend Ty who has a intense gun collection bursts into the room, I grab a shotgun behind my closet door and there is this sweaty standoff. Something happens, and all guns go a blazing. I shoot Clive Owen and my friend Ty kills the other thugs. I'm pretty upset that I have just murdered Clive Owen, but after all, he was an evil spook.
Two nights ago....more animation and a struggle to live
Two nights ago...I was in a mall with some friends. And there was this greasy looking boy with my Senior Art Show work. I started to scream, who the fuck was this guy? It turns out he is the boyfriend of an old childhood friend. We start to look closely at the fabric. Then, what could only be described as stop motion animation in thread, the embroidery on the fabric started to move. It soon became something I had never seen before. Great herds of cattle were moving across plains of grass, trees were changing colors, rivers were flowing.
But then the dream morphed into me being in a parking garage all by myself. I had lost my shoe and this weird orange haired old man with a huge beard was like, "I will help you!" But his interest in me soon changed and he was chasing me, trying to rape and kill me! I was lucky to unlock a random car and I found a exacto knife and a lighter. I slit his throat, stuck the lighter in his eye, but he still wouldn't stop chasing me. Finally I ran into the security room where there was this pregnant lady and I was like, HOLY FUCKING SHIT HELP! And she gave me some gasoline so I lit the guy on fire and pushed off the ledge, but than that pregnant lady was like, "THAT WAS MY HUSBAND!" And she started after me, I kicked her in the head and I was like...Really? What next?" And you know what, when I turned around there was a horde of zombies and I remember just being like....come on!
But then the dream morphed into me being in a parking garage all by myself. I had lost my shoe and this weird orange haired old man with a huge beard was like, "I will help you!" But his interest in me soon changed and he was chasing me, trying to rape and kill me! I was lucky to unlock a random car and I found a exacto knife and a lighter. I slit his throat, stuck the lighter in his eye, but he still wouldn't stop chasing me. Finally I ran into the security room where there was this pregnant lady and I was like, HOLY FUCKING SHIT HELP! And she gave me some gasoline so I lit the guy on fire and pushed off the ledge, but than that pregnant lady was like, "THAT WAS MY HUSBAND!" And she started after me, I kicked her in the head and I was like...Really? What next?" And you know what, when I turned around there was a horde of zombies and I remember just being like....come on!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Last night, the Queen of the Underworld
It's the early 18th century. There is a medical academy. One young student is madly in love. The student looks like Brendan Frasier, and his pretty young wife looks like Abby Cornish. Anyways...He is on his way to become a doctor. But a disease spreads through the town, taking at least one person in every house, including the young wife. Years later, the student who is now a well esteemed doctor and teacher is walking through a market. He sees someone. Just a flash of a face through the crowd. It's her! It's his wife. He runs through the crowd, pushing people aside, and there she is...alive and waiting. How did this happened, where had she come from? She says nothing, but he doesn't care. He takes her home and marvels at God's gift. She lounges around his house, but something is different about her. She moves as if gravity weren't there, as if she was pretending to stand on earth when she was actually on the moon. Her limbs could bend and twirl in ways that joints would not allow. She could turn things red and make flowers wilt, just by touching them.
Then one day she is gone. He frantically searches the town, but there is no trace of her. Not until that night. When she comes for him, in shadows and darkness. She answers his questions, those initial questions that were buried deep, covered up with giddy happiness. After she died, she was made Queen of the Underworld. Now in her castle, in the great hall of ghosts, we see her true face, she is nothing but bones and hair, a few strings of flesh still hold on to her skull. She is blue and luminescent. I want to live, she tells him. What she needs is a human girl, a human girls' face and blood. The doctor agrees.
I am one of his most gifted students, the only girl in the entire school. Three weeks have passed and in his great lab and adjoining study the students crowd around, hearing nothing. No one has seen him for weeks. The buzz and rumors concerning the good doctor isn't the only scandal. The chancellor's young wife, Jennifer, is missing. There are rumors she left with one of the students. There are rumors she went to America. There are rumors she is dead.
And then the doctor appears. He calls me into his chambers. I enter the long hallway that leads to his study. The windows are all covered and a strange blue light is filling the space. He asks if I would like to meet his wife. And there she is, a beautiful woman, stepping out of his study like Aphrodite. But then I notice blood on her face. And when she gets closer, I understand, that's Jennifer's face. That's Jennifer's body, but it isn't Jennifer. The young woman laughs and I run out to the sunny courtyard and throw up in front of the entire student body, shaking and horrified.
Then one day she is gone. He frantically searches the town, but there is no trace of her. Not until that night. When she comes for him, in shadows and darkness. She answers his questions, those initial questions that were buried deep, covered up with giddy happiness. After she died, she was made Queen of the Underworld. Now in her castle, in the great hall of ghosts, we see her true face, she is nothing but bones and hair, a few strings of flesh still hold on to her skull. She is blue and luminescent. I want to live, she tells him. What she needs is a human girl, a human girls' face and blood. The doctor agrees.
I am one of his most gifted students, the only girl in the entire school. Three weeks have passed and in his great lab and adjoining study the students crowd around, hearing nothing. No one has seen him for weeks. The buzz and rumors concerning the good doctor isn't the only scandal. The chancellor's young wife, Jennifer, is missing. There are rumors she left with one of the students. There are rumors she went to America. There are rumors she is dead.
And then the doctor appears. He calls me into his chambers. I enter the long hallway that leads to his study. The windows are all covered and a strange blue light is filling the space. He asks if I would like to meet his wife. And there she is, a beautiful woman, stepping out of his study like Aphrodite. But then I notice blood on her face. And when she gets closer, I understand, that's Jennifer's face. That's Jennifer's body, but it isn't Jennifer. The young woman laughs and I run out to the sunny courtyard and throw up in front of the entire student body, shaking and horrified.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Last Night, a party gone wrong
There was a party at my grandmother's old house. It was this beautiful 70s style ranch, big windows, a lovely pool and huge backyard. It appeared to be the 20s, and I was throwing a wild party. I think I was a man. But then a body floated to the surface. And then it cut to my loft, another body was found. It was the Prince of Wales. I only used this loft for when I was in the city, to party, and I lent him the key because he wanted a place where, "he could get away from it all." I was talking to the police. It was raining.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Last Night, the cast of Bones, my cousin the murderer, and a pair of foolish aviators
Last night, the cast of bones, and possibly other characters from other TV programs, all became mutants! They had power like, to start fires and to heal themselves. One character, maybe Ted from How I met Your Mother, was freaking out because he had the power to heal extremely quickly. He slit his wrists hoping he was just human and woke up in a pile of blood and screaming. His friends were upset but when they saw no cuts they assumed he had played a horrible prank on them, but he knew better.
Then my cousin was trying to murder me in his house. I have had this dream before, or something very similar. He had a friend of mine upstairs, he was torturing her and he was totally insane, wielding a knife. The house kept shifting from one place to another, and my aunt an I were desperately trying to escape. My father was on the sidelines, unable or unwilling to help, but my cousin and I kept making references to the fact that this had all happened before and it would end as it always ended, me escaping by dropping down a balcony and running to my neighbors.
The other dream was two aviators were trying to fly this tiny tiny airplane made of leather and string that had no wings. This group of mountain dwarfs were trying to help them by pushing this contraption off the mountain. But it just dropped to the ledge below, never taking flight. The captain said, "Who the hell took the wings off this damn thing!?" And his co-pilot answered, "You did sir." Which, followed by a long pause, was answered with, "Well, perhaps that was a mistake."
Then my cousin was trying to murder me in his house. I have had this dream before, or something very similar. He had a friend of mine upstairs, he was torturing her and he was totally insane, wielding a knife. The house kept shifting from one place to another, and my aunt an I were desperately trying to escape. My father was on the sidelines, unable or unwilling to help, but my cousin and I kept making references to the fact that this had all happened before and it would end as it always ended, me escaping by dropping down a balcony and running to my neighbors.
The other dream was two aviators were trying to fly this tiny tiny airplane made of leather and string that had no wings. This group of mountain dwarfs were trying to help them by pushing this contraption off the mountain. But it just dropped to the ledge below, never taking flight. The captain said, "Who the hell took the wings off this damn thing!?" And his co-pilot answered, "You did sir." Which, followed by a long pause, was answered with, "Well, perhaps that was a mistake."
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Last Night, Star Trek, running, and a social worker's story
So last night was insane.
First, Captain Jean-Luc Picard was on the Enterprise. His ship an it's crew were battling the eye of Jupiter, a mysterious unseen creature/force that was bent on destroying humankind. But there was a traitor in their midst. Jean-Luc, in his quarters that looked like a futuristic windmill ( long, three stories, a spiral stair case) was confronted by a trusted officer. He looked possessed and a fight broke out between them. It was intense, crashing here, screaming there. Jean-Luc ( who at this time is me) takes one of his ancient swords from the 17th century and stabs the guy multiple times, feeling the blade run through his torso and being sprayed with blood caused me to run upstairs, I was convinced he was dead. But he wasn't! He got back up and now had the sword. I began to run, but then I was transported to another ship. It's was the eye of Jupiter's! Everything was red and built like tunnels, but it was extremely smooth and modern. And then I, Jean-Luc, started to give some speech, about how we can not tolerate this kind of evil, and I would not stop until the eye of Jupiter was destroyed. It seems like this being was speaking to me, belittling humans, threatening us, spouting how much we disgust it. ANd then I saw this eye, and with my hands I said something like we have drawn the line! And I scratched and gutted out this eyeball, only to reveal a jaw with bear like teeth. The eye of Jupiter wanted to show me what humanity was really like and a string, like a spider's thread, leaped from it's mouth. I batted it away and began to run, my hands covered with blood. But a small jaw shot out a tiny thread, and it attached itself to my brain. Then, I was at a burlesque show, and the most horrendous display of violence, greed and gluttony was on stage, with the crowd cheering them on. I was horrified and the eye of Jupiter was laughing.
Then I had a dream that I was in this competition and that it was a race. ANd at first I was really behind but soon I caught up with everyone, and I just kept running, I couldn't stop. I finally ran all the way home and it turned out I had run over 100 miles. But I still couldn't stop, I just needed to keep running, even though I feel sick. And then I found my old pair of ice skates and started to skate on my neighbor's driveway while she, dressed in some pretty provocative lingerie, was getting her mail and sweeping our her garage.
And then I was a Latina social worker, trying to help these two boys. One was in high school and the other was just a little boy. Their mother was on her deathbed and their father was a drunk. The high school boy hated me but the little boy and I became very close. I tried to get them to stay in school, to be fed and have doctor check ups. And finally I had had it, after the mother died I started to yell at the father, that he should be ashamed, and I started to yell at the high school boy, telling him he had only one shot to get the hell out of this neighborhood, out of this life, to avoid becoming his father, and that was to stay in school. I was screaming, and they were screaming and I left. When I came back, the entire apartment was empty, I panicked and started to cry and found the little boy in his room, all alone. What happened? I asked. His father had committed suicide and his older brother had taken off. I had to find the older brother, this was all my fault. AFter making sure the little boy was taken care of, I went to "the forest" a place where gangs and drug dealers hang out, near the entrance to a huge park. I was calling for him, and then this man grabbed me, he was going to rape me, but the high school boy came out of no where and saved my life. We became very close and I set them up with foster parents and a new school, but the high school boy still had so many ties to this group of dangerous drug dealers, I didn't know what was going to happen. The dream just ended with him in the lunch line, being taunted and ridiculed by his former friends for being in school. He just looked down and his plate and the dream ended.
Monday, September 28, 2009
A couple Nights ago, a nuclear bomb
A nuclear bomb went off. I could see the explosion, and I knew, in three days time, the blast radius would hit us. People went insane. Everything turned a rusty orange. But then I was in a field, I knew I had to get home, before I died. I had to see my family, and I was traveling through the prairie on a white sphere, moving effortlessly across the grass, like it was a sail boat and I was on an ocean.
But then I was in Florida, a man with a mustache, living with his mother. There were bird cages everywhere and he, maybe I knew, they, or maybe we, didn't have long.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Last night, dreams within dreams
I thought that I was suppose to babysit this little boy, so I went to his house and took him really early to drive him to mine. And then I realized that the mother had never asked me to look after him, I had had a dream where she called me, and I realized that I was basically kidnapping this boy. I couldn't believe that I had mistaken a dream for reality, I started to panic. I turned the car around quickly, and stared unbelieving at the child. I poked him to make sure he was real, and he was, I remember feeling his skin, the weight, the presence of him, it was there, he was there. But then I woke up, thanking god it has all been a dream, and that's when I really woke up.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Last night, dreaming in animation
I was in a yoga class, there was a movie playing in the corner. A stop motion animated picture of some kind. I was just thinking that this guy was way to close to me, uncomfortably close, when all of a sudden the dream because the film that's playing in the corner.
This old woman was sending a cat to this other magical world that she had visited. She was sending this cat ( who she raised from the dead, pulling it out of it's little grave behind a rose bush in the backyard ) like a letter, in order to tell this man she loved that she needed rescuing from an uncomfortably engagement with a man named George.
So the cat is transported to this world of busy crooked roads, dark street lamps and misty rain. There is a girl who is desperately looking for her mother. The cat joins the little girl in her pursuit. She only has a picture of her mother in her head, who looks remarkably like the old woman. The girl goes to places her mother once visited, she doesn't even know her name. She enters a candy/pastry shop where all the decorations on the goodies change from flowers to images of her mother. The shopkeepers know this little girl is magical, but they cannot help her.
The girl and the cat, now accompanied by a stray dog named Jasper, go from place to place, trying to track down this nameless mother. The little girl constantly is yelling "CAT!" and "DOG!" to keep them in line, for the streets are crowed and the noise of the city rumbles like a storm. They enter one building after another. A video clerk lost his records, a taxi driver can't remember an address, everywhere they go, people remember the mother's face but only her face.
The only clue the little girl has is a strange drawing. Someone mentions that it reminds them of the harbor and the wandering gang, which now includes a little orphan boy as well, race off to the harbor.
The woman at the harbor dropped her records in the ocean and all the names and addresses and telephones number bleed into each other. The boy becomes incredibly angry, frustrated by all their failures. But then the wind starts to howl and the shadows that were cast by the city lamps start to move and bend and pull at the corners of the room. They become shadow demons and they terrify the boy. He knows them, they represent his cruel childhood, his cruel older brother and cruel games he made them play. They try to fight the shadows and the wind, but both are too strong and everyone is pulled out of the harbor office and away, away to a new land.
The shadow demons want them to play this game. I am there, and so are my brothers. I think this is a test, that if we refuse we will finally find this missing mother. But then we start to play, and my entire family is there, this game were we can manipulate this material with our minds and try to hit our opponent and knock them in the water. But then the game turns into a board game. A board game that my mom is cleaning up. We had just had a family party, the guests have left. The stop motion animation film is now playing on my TV, and I want to rewind, because I don't remember watching it to this point. The little girl is in the country. Where I left off she was still in the city.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Last night, alternate universe
It was my home, My family was sitting in the living room with my grandmother. But everything was just a little off. Tom called, and my mom was surprised he called. I thought, but he's married to my grandmother, why would that be strange, and why isn't he here? But then it turned out that they had never been married. Where was my dog? Why was my brother a newscaster and such a jackass? Why did my other brother care that I was wearing a hat in doors? Who where these people? They looked like my family, but everything was off, the color of the walls, the texture of the carpet. And seriously, I thought, where the hell is my dog?
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Last night, not a good nights sleep again
Here are just two parts I remember...
I am a girl wearing a white tunic. It's the thirties in the south. I am running hard. Someone is chasing me. I know that he is a killer. I am running through camps, hoovervilles in the deep forest. People see me, I'm hysterical but I don't stop running. I finally get to a clearing and there are two women hanging up laundry. It's impossible to know what time of day it is, everything is dark and green and hot. One woman, with the kindest face shouts after me. I stop, her voice is filled with concern and alarm. She wants to know whats happening. But I can't speak. I turn around and my face fills with horror. She looks in the direction of where I am staring and someone slits her throat.
The second dream...I was a hairless puppy. I'm in a basement of a very old building. Everything is stone. I'm in England. It's the 1700s. I've been here before. Dumbledore is sitting at a desk, talking with a man drenched in robes, seeping ink. The ink is moving along the crevasses of the stones, leading to somewhere even deeper than where we are. Dumbledore accuses the man of not doing enough in these hard times. The man snickers, but it sounds more like a whimper. He thinks Dumbledore is a fool. His school will be shut down and his boys will be ruled over by the high priest. Religious fervor is taking over the town, and people are in danger. Dumbledore has had enough, I run up the stairs before him, afraid he will step on me, for I am very very tiny.
I am a girl wearing a white tunic. It's the thirties in the south. I am running hard. Someone is chasing me. I know that he is a killer. I am running through camps, hoovervilles in the deep forest. People see me, I'm hysterical but I don't stop running. I finally get to a clearing and there are two women hanging up laundry. It's impossible to know what time of day it is, everything is dark and green and hot. One woman, with the kindest face shouts after me. I stop, her voice is filled with concern and alarm. She wants to know whats happening. But I can't speak. I turn around and my face fills with horror. She looks in the direction of where I am staring and someone slits her throat.
The second dream...I was a hairless puppy. I'm in a basement of a very old building. Everything is stone. I'm in England. It's the 1700s. I've been here before. Dumbledore is sitting at a desk, talking with a man drenched in robes, seeping ink. The ink is moving along the crevasses of the stones, leading to somewhere even deeper than where we are. Dumbledore accuses the man of not doing enough in these hard times. The man snickers, but it sounds more like a whimper. He thinks Dumbledore is a fool. His school will be shut down and his boys will be ruled over by the high priest. Religious fervor is taking over the town, and people are in danger. Dumbledore has had enough, I run up the stairs before him, afraid he will step on me, for I am very very tiny.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Last night, not a good nights sleep
I kept wakin
g up, so I only got snippets of what I was dreaming, some of them where....
I was one of the Von Trapp children and I was singing and dancing with my brothers and sisters and our governess, Julie Andrews, and there where dancing robots. They where enjoying themselves. I was able to dance point. It was all very magical.
Then there were a horde of cats and there were love triangles and family disputes that I was desperately trying to resolve among the them. Emotions where high and I was afraid one of them would be pushed to the edge and commit murder.
I was arguing with the actor from True Blood who plays Eric that this show isn't a wh
at if vampire where real, it's just about vampires like any other vampire show, and then we had a saucy affair while Anna Paquin was packing her things upstairs.
I was one of the Von Trapp children and I was singing and dancing with my brothers and sisters and our governess, Julie Andrews, and there where dancing robots. They where enjoying themselves. I was able to dance point. It was all very magical.
Then there were a horde of cats and there were love triangles and family disputes that I was desperately trying to resolve among the them. Emotions where high and I was afraid one of them would be pushed to the edge and commit murder.
I was arguing with the actor from True Blood who plays Eric that this show isn't a wh
Monday, September 7, 2009
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Last night, the world of Mad Men
I was Betty Draper. Sally, my daughter was playing with a neighbor boy who was ten. Sally was only four. The neighbor boy and her were playing a little rough. Then I heard a scream. I looked out and the neighbor boy was lying on the ground. There was blood. His mother and I ran out to them. She was shouting at her husband to call an ambulance. Sally was still screaming. And then, through out all the chaos, the boy started laughing. It had all been a joke. I was extremely upset. I took some soap and shoved it in his mouth as punishment. He spit it back and threw it at my face.
At the same time in New York, Joan, was looking in her mirror, in disbelief that she had slept with Paul Kinsey. She was angry at herself, and annoyed that he would probably tell everyone at work.
Six years later, I am throwing an amazing party. Everyone is there. Joan is with her doctor. Don is...somewhere. Rodger is drunk. Everyone is actually a little drunk. And then I see this 16 year old kid walk in and I shout, "Hey, you, your like 14, get the hell out of my house and out of my party!" He runs out, and I follow him .He turns and I realize he is the neighbor boy. He is holding a huge map of Nebraska that he obviously drew and I say "Your panhandle is too small" He apologizes for crashing my party. I have some soap in my hand just in case. He tells me that he was kicked out of his home and that he has been on his own for about two years. I am extremely suspicious.
But then I'm in a hotel, with his younger brother and sister, looking for his irresponsible mother. I run into a African American bride and her mother. They are complaining about the hotel. They are dressed like they are staring in My Fair Lady, about to go to the races. I admire the sister of the bride's hat, but I move on quickly, looking for the right door. I finally find the suite. There is a mirror and I quickly try to adjust my outfit, I look a mess! I walk in and see a Christmas tree. A man and a woman are in bed. The two younger children are waiting in the hall. I ask what the hell do they think they are doing. It turns out that the mother re married. Her new husband has a cane. I berate her and her ability as a mother. Why would you let two young children out of your sight. AND, I say very loudly, your teenage son is wandering the streets alone. How could you kick him out, I demand to know. But answers are not found.
And then Peggy is in a restaurant with a boy who is simply trying to sleep with her by telling her some made up sob story. Is this the neighbor boy?
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Last night, black toilet paper
I just had to get my hands on black toilet paper.
Later that night I was riding my motorcycle on the rooftops. It was incredible difficult, I kept having to pick it up, and I was constantly on the verge of toppling over onto the busy streets below. I was escaping something, something that had blood on its mind. I finally sneaked into an apartment that was owned by a single mother and her two boys. She was sleeping with, what to me was an obvious vampire. So I did what I thought was normal behavior, I stuck a wooden spike in his chest, piercing his heart. He started to convulse and blood sprayed everywhere. The mother woke up, screaming. I had jumped back, perching on her dresser like some bird, watching my handy work with delight. I really hated vampires. The mother was furious, and for a moment I thought I may have to kill her too for some reason, but when she realized what Rodger really was, she began to weep. Vampires always reveal their true nature in the moments of death, whether those moments belong to their victims or themselves, I informed her. Unfortunately, the police had been called, and I needed to split fast. I stuck out the window with the help of the family but all my belongs spilled onto the fire escape, roof and garbage cans below. I had to gather what I needed and get rid of whatever had my fingerprints on them. A couple of drunks saw me and went to call the police again, so I had to act fast. Just as the cops pulled up I was picking up my camera. They started to rough me up right away, saying I was their first suspect. Suspect for what? I never found out.
Later that night I was riding my motorcycle on the rooftops. It was incredible difficult, I kept having to pick it up, and I was constantly on the verge of toppling over onto the busy streets below. I was escaping something, something that had blood on its mind. I finally sneaked into an apartment that was owned by a single mother and her two boys. She was sleeping with, what to me was an obvious vampire. So I did what I thought was normal behavior, I stuck a wooden spike in his chest, piercing his heart. He started to convulse and blood sprayed everywhere. The mother woke up, screaming. I had jumped back, perching on her dresser like some bird, watching my handy work with delight. I really hated vampires. The mother was furious, and for a moment I thought I may have to kill her too for some reason, but when she realized what Rodger really was, she began to weep. Vampires always reveal their true nature in the moments of death, whether those moments belong to their victims or themselves, I informed her. Unfortunately, the police had been called, and I needed to split fast. I stuck out the window with the help of the family but all my belongs spilled onto the fire escape, roof and garbage cans below. I had to gather what I needed and get rid of whatever had my fingerprints on them. A couple of drunks saw me and went to call the police again, so I had to act fast. Just as the cops pulled up I was picking up my camera. They started to rough me up right away, saying I was their first suspect. Suspect for what? I never found out.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Last night, a musical and a robbery
I was filming a musical near the waters edge. It wasn't going very well. I wasn't a famous actress, and the big star was pulling his weight with the director which was stalling the entire production. I was living in the library close to location. That night, the old stone library was filled with smoke. I slept in the book stacks like a real book lover and was awakened by my own coughing. I giant robot ball with many maces flying back and fourth had broken inside. He was after something, some rare artifact. He finally turned into a human, and tried to explain why I had to die and why he needed that artifact. But I was an actress, and very convincing. I persuaded him to give me a chance to escape, and the gambler in him agreed. It was very difficult, the dust and smoke got in my lungs, I kept passing out. But I succeeded! Everyone was confused by my condition, but I knew it was because of the robot dust that I kept passing out.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
I think this was a dream...
Isoroku Yamamoto was the commander in chief of the Japanese Navy in World War II. I was reading about him and I had this startlingly memory from a dream. He was driving a red 1930 Pierce-Arrow Model B Convertible Coupe in the desert, visiting factories and on his way to Las Vegas, for the man loved to gamble. I particularly remember a girl in a pink dress, perhaps his daughter, who was adamant about receiving a present from America. I just remember his face in that car, the top down, the desert surrounding him. He was having a damn good time.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Two nights ago

A shadow man was attacking me. Finally, I was able to corner him and crush him into a ball. I ate him, feeling this was the only way to get rid of him. I vomited up a pile of black mud, hoping this was the end of what I knew to be a demon. Brad Pitt, who was there of coarse, seemed suspicious. We were obviously in love, and didn't care who knew it. In public trains, on the street, we had no discretion. But he felt that the horrible shadow demon was not behind us. And that's when black ants started to crawl out of my mouth. We fled into a nightclub. There, a childhood friend, clearly in league with the shadow demon, was wearing a dress made out of letters. And then the ants turned into letters, small blac

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Last Night, it was the twenties...
I was with my friend Meredith, she was my sister in the dream. It was the twenties and we had just witnessed a murder by a member of the powerful Korean mafia. He had spotted us and fearful that we would go to the police sent out his men to do us in. The whole dream was us just running and running, through corridors and alleyways, through movie theaters and the basements of hotels. We tried to hide in a group of students, but the men recognized us, they almost killed us right there, right in the sewers, but gamblers were throwing a game and we managed to slip loose once again. We ended up breaking into some one's hotel room to rest and dye our hair with ink and to change clothes. We thought about going to the police, but we didn't know who we could trust. We needed money, we needed to get out of the city. The city that seemed constructed out of pipes, underground pathways and alleys. The city seemed to be filled with steam and shadows. It had never been day there the entire time. We decided to sell blood to get some money to buy a train ticket, but they wanted two pints! I remembered what it was like to give just one, I didn't think I could do it. That was the end.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
About a month ago...

There was this CEO murdered and two children were the only witnesses. Their statements both included a man in bandages and the greatest feeling of fear when he passed.
A woman read this story and wrote a conspiracy pulp novel. It was released not soon after the case was moved to "unsolved".
So then, fast forward X amount of years, a Chinese American writes an article on the book and traces down the children who witnessed the murder.
The little boy, now an adult, lives only at intersections of highways and has been conducting his own research/ investigation of the appearances of the bandaged man. Apparently, he has been sighted by people, mostly children, all over the world. Usually connected with an act of terrorism. Sightings go back to just after WWII.
The little girl now is a waitress who still has night terrors.
There have been a string of deaths in the higher circles of government, diplomats, etc. I am doing my own investigation. It seems that I am a journalist. I meet the Chinese American author, who has brought the two now adult witnesses together...Suddenly, we are all being chased by the bandaged man.
But then King Kong starts chasing us too! He's joined by a group of twisted monsters from history and fiction.
But then, the Chinese American and I are at a fair, playing a pinball machine. The monsters are just plastic cut outs in the pinball machine.. We are laughing...It seems like we might be dating. It's summer and there are kids and families eating cotton candy. You can hear screaming because of the rides. A goat with a ribbon gets loose, it's owners are trying to catch it. But then I have this feeling that something is wrong. Really wrong. I can't seem to catch my breathe. And then the bandaged man walks past. And I wake up.
Last Night, Dancing with Data
It was the great depression. And there was a dance marathon. Data and I really needed the money, we just had to win this contest. Luckily, I knew Data was a cyborg. I knew that he could dance any dance forever. I let Data know that I knew his secret and he began to choreograph an amazing ballet for us. We danced for hours, pulling off moves not ever seen by our competitors or bystanders. I believe I fell in love with Data that night.
The dream then melted it's way into something about swimming...but the details are gone.
Monday, August 10, 2009
First Nightmare- 1992
I walk slowly down the stairs of my basement. It's dark, in the middle of the night. I'm about six years old.
I stop just before my foot reaches the last step and I look at the walls before me. It's like there is something inside them, pushing it's way out. It finally emerges from the wall like a swimmer from a pool. It's the cookie monster.
He, of coarse, thinks I'm a cookie. He begins to chase me. I'm screaming for my parents but I'm all alone in the house. He chases me through the kitchen, up the stairs. He finally corners me. I look around, there is no help coming. He picks me up and gobbles me down.
There is just blackness. I am dead.
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