Friday, January 14, 2011

Last Night, panther vs. shark, Bob Newhart, and time travel.

I was with three other animals. I was some kind of panther. I think a black panther. The animals may have been cats, but one may have turned into a fox at some point. They were large mammals, strong, beautiful coats of fur. We were in a sort of room, a trap, perhaps a puzzle. It was a square, with a shallow trench, a river, with perfect edges. There was a shelf, a path that went around the room, just a few feet above the waterway. Inside was a shark, jumping and biting. My friends and I made our way around the raised path, there were some inlets, some places to hide. The shark would jump and slash, it seemed to follow our every move. I knew I had to fight the shark. So I dove in with my big panther body, wrestling the shark. It was horrible. I knew I was out matched. But luckily, a woman in a library had the shark's spirit, and she had a large stick which she broke the jaw of the shark. It was the advantage I needed. I bit the shark in the face and the wound bleed profusely. I had done it. The shark was dead. We, my animal friends and I, were free!

Then, I was a boy on a road trip, with my girlfriend. And then I turned into Bob Newhart! My girlfriend was horrified, I tried to convince her that it was still me.

Then there was some part about time travel and paradoxes. Something involving a castle, a stone with horses carved in it, a dead field.

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