Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Last night, not a good nights sleep again

Here are just two parts I remember...

I am a girl wearing a white tunic. It's the thirties in the south. I am running hard. Someone is chasing me. I know that he is a killer. I am running through camps, hoovervilles in the deep forest. People see me, I'm hysterical but I don't stop running. I finally get to a clearing and there are two women hanging up laundry. It's impossible to know what time of day it is, everything is dark and green and hot. One woman, with the kindest face shouts after me. I stop, her voice is filled with concern and alarm. She wants to know whats happening. But I can't speak. I turn around and my face fills with horror. She looks in the direction of where I am staring and someone slits her throat.

The second dream...I was a hairless puppy. I'm in a basement of a very old building. Everything is stone. I'm in England. It's the 1700s. I've been here before. Dumbledore is sitting at a desk, talking with a man drenched in robes, seeping ink. The ink is moving along the crevasses of the stones, leading to somewhere even deeper than where we are. Dumbledore accuses the man of not doing enough in these hard times. The man snickers, but it sounds more like a whimper. He thinks Dumbledore is a fool. His school will be shut down and his boys will be ruled over by the high priest. Religious fervor is taking over the town, and people are in danger. Dumbledore has had enough, I run up the stairs before him, afraid he will step on me, for I am very very tiny.

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