Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Last Night, A math class

I was in math class. The classroom was outside. But there was a roof over our heads. The teacher had a stentorian voice and was passionately describing what we were trying to solve. He was waving his arms in the air and demanding that we understand the importance it had to the world. I didn't care one pinch about what he was saying. I was totally out of place and I seemed to be the big slacker in class. But there was dirt on my desk, lost of dusty dirt. So I put some water on it and started to make things. Soon, everyone wanted to create something out of this clay dirt I had made. And the we started to make our own throwing wheels. Pitiful things, but the whole class loved it. And then I noticed, in the corner of the room (that had now morphed into a inside studio) that someone had started long ago to make a body of an animal, but left it's head unfinished. So I threw some dirty clay on this wheel and made a head. It was a mixture of monkey and a lion. I put the head on and then the whole creature came to life. It had beautiful orange fur and started to purr loudly. I though he was too fat and wanted to carve some of his belly away, but it wast too late. He was real, flesh and blood.

Other parts of the dream that I can recall; going to Robert Redford's house on the coast and talking about baseball. I'm not sure if he was wearing pants.

Watching clouds move across the moon only to realize that they were in fact not clouds, but demons.

I was also flying a plane and at some point I got drunk.

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