Monday, November 23, 2009

Two nights ago, elephants and Mariah Carey

So my friend and I were on some kind of safari. But we were separated from the group. Possibly a lion attack. Anyways, we find this ancient water system, and we decide to take it. We are in what appears to be an aqueduct. When we turn the corner, the pathway is filled with elephants! They are filling their bellies with water. Will they think we are predators? We proceed with caution. As we make our way through the crowd, the elephants get bigger and bigger. Soon we realize that one wrong move will mean our death! And then, we make a wrong move. The elephants start stamping their feet and screaming with rage. We have to run through the stampede. Finally, we crawl out, exhausted, filthy and bleeding. We haven't eaten or drank anything for two days. We stumble through the forest and then, there is a large mansion, overgrown with plants and moss. Inside is a group of potters. Master potters. They are silent. Apparently, they took a vow of silence. We try to explain our situation, but they don't speak English. And then suddenly, the cramped potters studio turns into a mall.

Mariah Carey is there with a group of women. I refuse to do something and she threatens to go to the top and have me killed. I don't really care about Mariah Carey.

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