Saturday, October 10, 2009

Last Night, my dreams keep sticking it to me

So I was in the CIA headquarters, dressed like I am right now, big gross boots, sloppy hair, a plaid shirt that is too big. I'm looking for a woman named Mary Pickford. Clive Owen is there, but when I approach her office and ask about her whereabouts, no one answers me. I finally, after feeling totally out of place, spot on old college buddy of mine, Gretchen, who is now a CIA analyst. I ask her where Mary Pickford is. She is reluctant to help. But I am very convincing. And I remember saying, "Remember when we were just struggling artists, now look at us, your a CIA analyst and I'm a reporter." She searches the databases and finds that Mary Pickford is in...GASP...JAKARTA! This apparently means something terrible, as if I have found the missing piece. I realize I know too much, and I try to walk out of the CIA headquarters as calmly as possible. But Clive Owens knows. I am in my room, packing furiously, when he, and a couple of CIA thugs, come charging in. They surround me and my good friend and hold guns to our heads. And I keep thinking, come on, Clive Owen is a good guy, he is actually here to save me...but just like with the Zombies last night, my dream was like no...he's here to fucking kill you. Luckily my Mexican friend Ty who has a intense gun collection bursts into the room, I grab a shotgun behind my closet door and there is this sweaty standoff. Something happens, and all guns go a blazing. I shoot Clive Owen and my friend Ty kills the other thugs. I'm pretty upset that I have just murdered Clive Owen, but after all, he was an evil spook.

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